Tag Archives: ashford hospital

A Dignified Birth – Ashford Hospital Caesarean

There seems to be a regard within the corporate hospital culture that professional photography in theatre is unacceptable. Yet the irony is that often the husband or midwife is allowed to photograph the experience, thus taking them out of their own joyful moments of the very experience they wish to be a part of. I find this to be so very sad, and disappointing.

It is my job to photograph this experience, without identifying the hospital staff and keeping out of their way. It is my job to focus on the mother, her baby and any loved ones who are there to support her. It is my job to ensure the mother has a beautiful documentation of the love, care and support that was flowing the day she delivered her child. And it is my job to ensure that child has photographs to look back on and see how cherished they were on their birth day – the biggest celebration of their lives which they will in turn journey through for their own children.

The fact is, a professional photographer is skilled in their genre. An Accredited Professional Photographer is even more accountable and skilled in shooting only what is acceptable and approved. And an Accredited Professional Birth Photographer abides by a special Code of Conduct that ensures they perform their job in full adherence to not only industry standard, but also hospital policy and client requirements. The Accredited Professional Birth Photographer is not to be feared – we are here to support and honour the experience of birth for EVERYONE.

If a woman choses to have a birth photographer – that is one of her birth choices. With so many choices being limited for a growing number of women, it breaks my heart when hospitals don’t take the time to understand these simple requests.

This was the beautiful entry into the world for little Maleah Rei. It was a calm, dignified experience for Maleah’s mother, with such care shown by all in attendance. I just love documenting births with this Obstetrician and Anaesthetist. And I love the vibrancy and joy captured during these important moments in a caesarean, where Mother and Father are free to enjoy the moments and be a part of their daughter’s arrival.

Adelaide Birth Photographer

The Arrival of Ashton – Hospital Bonding Sessions

I offer Bonding Sessions as an alternative to Birth Photography for families. Shortly after Ashton’s arrival, I received a wonderful message announcing his entrance into the world. I quickly re-arranged my following day so I could head in to do a special shoot for him and his family. With two big brothers to work with, we had a lot of fun documenting this unique and special time in Ashton’s life. Capturing beautifully natural interactions and working in a few posed shots, this family’s collection created a beautiful Moleskine Journal Book to record all of the important details!

The Birth of Heinrich Lawrence – Ashford Private Hospital

This beautiful birth I had the honour of documenting was a very different journey for the family to that of their first child. Any parent of a “Heart Kid” knows the emotional rollercoaster of tests, hospital visits and trips to Melbourne for life saving surgery. This was the journey that parents Vicki and Ben endured after the birth of their first child Zac. I remember the first time I saw Zac’s birth photography – it told the story of strength, urgency and love. Witnessing little Henry’s arrival, capturing his story, and working through the images, I quickly realised just how vastly different the energy and feeling was. Henry was not separated from his mum straight after birth, the room was always calm, his mother able to bond in a most peacefully natural way. I really love these images that I feel express the beauty of the family’s journey to becoming complete.


The Birth of April – Adelaide Birth Photographer

From the very beginning, I knew this birth was going to a much anticipated and exciting event for our family. But I never thought I’d be asked to photograph the event! So when I was, it was a moment of elation! Following the journey of first time mum, Kim through to the arrival of her gorgeous little daughter was a dream come true. But what was more amazing was how I witnessed one of the calmest and most focused drug free labours I could have imagined. The support was flowing freely, the energy was relaxed yet energised by the fast progress this calm labour facilitated. Once again, I believe this is another prime example of the way hypno-birthing can assist mothers during labour.

This storybook gallery has a few selectively conservative images of the birth of April. There are other shots, reserved for private viewing, that display the actual birth in an amazing way. Too amazing for words!

For those who are interested in the hypnobirth / calmbirth idea in Adelaide, please contact Kristy from Instinctual Birthing

Hospital and Home Birth Photographer